Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Being Present in the Moment

It's been a beautiful fall this year.
 Long on color, warmth and gorgeosness.
And though I've been thinking a lot about
making Christmas especially
meaningful, and working on Christmas
offerings for my upcoming
craft show,
I'm  consciously working at savoring.
Living in the now.
Being present in the moment.
The beauty.
Parties and music with family.
Walks and chatting with friends.
Noticing the small things.
The ordinary.
Because isn't that what life is
 actually made of?
And If I miss that..
I feel like I miss it.
I know that this isn't a new concept.
It's just become very obvious to me
that my quality of life
is greatly diminished if I neglect...
the present.
I have to practice this...
and when I do,
I find that I worry a lot less and focus
so much more on what matters ....
to me and others.
 Here is photo of some beautiful Side Oat
grass that grows native here in the
mountains of  Arizona.
And the verse..
A reminder that though
our world changes so much everyday,
this doesn't.
I hope you're having a peaceful and amazing week! 
Blessings to you,
Tamara xo

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