Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Life is Rich... God is Good

God promises blessings in our lives. I must say that I am a blessed woman. These past two
weeks have been a whirlwind of blessings and challenges. Family... friends..truth revealed..
affirmation..special memories.. And God proving His faithfulness again and again.

I feel so behind on blogging, but I know that God has put this blog in the place where it
belongs as far as priorities and I am grateful that I don't have to fret about
the days when I just cannot get to it. He truly does order our time when we commit it
to Him.

I hope you all have been having as blessed a summer as I have. In the midst of the loss,
God has shown himself to be faithful and loving and ever-near.

One of the greatest blessings that Jeff and I have experienced together this summer,
is the reunion of our adult children. To see them walking in the ways of the Lord and
leading their families in God's truth and love is just so affirming, rewarding and healing.

To worship with them, discuss the bible and to be able to pray with them in unity has
brought a joy to us that cannot be expressed.

We also had a lot of fun singing together and target shooting. When it
wasn't raining, there were folks gathered around the horseshoe pit.

The little ones enjoyed the goats, chickens and watering whatever they
find! So precious.

God is so good to bring forth fruit from the things that we sow
in His name. Sometimes we are unsure of the progress and we toil over
and pine over our mistakes. It is in spite of us that He brings life.
As we walk in obedience to His perfection.. we can
rest in the fact that He is ever watching over His word to perform it.

Be blessed and encouraged. Walk in joy as He works His will and weaves His plan
and purposes in your life.


Mikailah Autumn said...

Wonderful post, Mommy! That was such a fun time of fellowship and fun.
I love you~

Savories of life said...

I can not follow your blog. it will not let me. But I will come often. Do follow mine!

Tamara said...

Welcome..I am not sure why you can't follow..but hope you find your visits uplifting!

I visited your blog..very nice..and I am following..

I think it is such a blessing that you are teaching your younger siblings..being a "pillar in your father's house"..

Have a blessed day..


Tamara said...

Thank you Miss..YOU are such a blessing!

I love you very much!