__________________Blogging for life.........
What exactly do I mean by this? The meaning is to bring forth good.
Contributing something to people's lives that will make a difference
would be incredibly fulfilling and meaningful to me.
Walking in humility while sharing with sincerity and passion.
Helping people to experience a different perspective while I'm learning
from them would be such an honor. Working together with others
toward a common purpose.
Lifting up the name of the Lord, while being true to His word.
Life. A growing experience..hope..encouraging words.
Because this is my heart's desire, I will be blogging less.
I have read this in Simple Blogging by Rachel Meeks.
You can find her E-Book Here
I have not even finished the first chapter but this spoke volumes to me.
I will explain why that makes sense practically.
As I blog less, I will be able to be more prayerful and apply
responsible research to my posts.
This excites me yet brings peace at the same time.
This blog belongs to God. I am the voice but He directs the content.
{Prayer is not an option, but a requirement.}
Being irresponsible with information would totally defeat my purpose.
I cringe at the thought of doing that to my readers.
It means everything to earn their trust
while publishing timely content.
The number 1 reason that I know that this philosophy of blogging less
is right for me is because it lines up with what God
has been telling me for months.
~Less is More~
{That is a subject for another time.}
So...I look forward to being able to put forth
a higher quality post. It's my desire to work very hard to accomplish
what God has put in Jeff and I's heart to do.
My plan right now is to post 3-4 times/week. (This doesn't
include ads or small inspirational quotes or scripture.)
I would really love to know what you as my readers
would like to read about that I may serve you better.
Thank you for stopping by and for understanding
about this new schedule.
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