Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Voice to Pray... Part I

God has given us the means to reach His throne with our words.
 I want to be example to my children.
An example of a mother who believes in the power of prayer.

It is important to Jeff and I that our children know that God
 is a loving Father who listens to the cry of their hearts.
 We want to teach them that 
they can go to Him anytime about anything.

We cannot just teach them about prayer.
Practicing it with them will engrave it on their hearts and minds.

 When I am speaking to my Father, there is such an assurance that
He is listening with His Father's heart.
A sense of peace surrounds me.

This is part one of a list of scriptures worded as prayers.

I have been driven many times to my knees
 by the overwhelming conviction that I had absolutely no
other place to go.

Abraham Lincoln

{God occupies every moment and dwells in every place.}

There is confidence in knowing that God's presence is always around me
 and that nothing happens beyond His knowledge.
One of the things that I love so much about God is that
 He is always available and ever-watchful over my life.
I am in the palm of His hand.

*Praying God's Word is praying His will.*

When I am praying His word, there is power and life going forth to accomplish His will.

Below is a list of scriptures that you can pray for yourself and for others.

From the book of Colossions

Lord God, help me to remember to give thanks to You, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in all things and to maintain and attitude of prayer. (1:3)

Build in me a strong faith in You and a love for all the saints. (1:4)

Fill me with the knowledge of Your will in all areas of my life. (1:9)

Teach me to walk worthy of  You and to please You in all things. (1:10)

Help me to bear fruit daily in the work I do and increase in the knowledge of  You. (1:10)

Help me to be strengthened with Your power that I may have endurance and patience.(1:11)

Help me always to remember that, as a believer, I have been delivered from darkness and brought into the kingdom of Your beloved son. (1:13)

I pray that You will have first place in everything in my life. (1:18)

Father, I ask You to make my faith strong, stable, and fixed on the truth of the Your Word. (1:23)

Create in me a good discipline and stability of faith in You. (2:5)

Cause me to be firmly established in You, with a heart of gratitude. (2:7)

Thank You, Lord, that through Your Son I have been made complete. (2:10)

Teach me to keep seeking the things above, where Christ is seated at Your right hand. (3:1)

Help me to focus my thoughts on Your purposes and not on worldly circumstances. ( 3:2)
                                                                                                       (Prayers by Terry Gooding)

~* He hears and answers *~

The intense prayer of the righteous man is very powerful.
James 5:16

~* Be blessed with peace in the knowledge of His faithfulness *~


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